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Motor Vehicle Accident Treatment


If you have been in a motor vehicle accident, you are entitled to accident benefits coverage. Your primary health care practitioner (Doctor, Chiropractor, or Physiotherapist) may prescribe massage therapy as part of your treatment plan. Our office requires a copy of the approval letter and additional paperwork related to the MVA claim.

MVA (motor vehicle accident) Treatment

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident you are entitled to accident benefits coverage (Alberta) regardless of who was at fault.

Steps for a Motor Vehicle Accident Benefits Coverage

Step 1. File a report with the Police

The first thing you will need to do is file an accident report with the police.

Step 2. Contact your Insurance Provider

You will have to complete an accident claim and an injury claim. Ensure that you inform your insurance provider that you are filing for both and they will assign you an adjuster for each claim.

Step 3. Complete an AB-1 and AB-2 Form

An AB-1 form must be filed within 10 days of the accient. Please ensure that you have been assessed by a primary health care practitioner (medical doctor, chiropractor, or physiotherapist). Your primary health care provider is able to complete an AB-1 and AB-2 form with you and submit it directly to your insurance company. Your insurance company will review the claim and determine your approval for treatments undert the “Diagnositic and Treatment Protocols”.

Step 4. Assignment of Treatments

Your primary health care provider will assign either 10 or 21 treatments after assessing your injuries. The 10 or 21 treatments may be used towards acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or physiotherapy. Your medical provider will advise you on treatment plans, but, you have control over which modalities you would like to use.

IF your first assessment is completed by a chiropractor or physiotherapist, this may count as 1-2 treatments out of your 10 or 21 treatments. An assessment and diagnosis by your medical doctor will not use up any of your 10 or 21 treatments.

Step 5. Confirmation of Insurance

Before proceeding with your treatments at our clinic, we require that you have received confirmation from your insurance company of coverage for treatments. Once you receive your confirmation of coverage (10 or 21), our clinic will be able to directly bill your insurance company for your treatments. Any treatments that are outside of your protocol will not be covered by your insurance and payment will be the patient’s responsibility.

Step 6. Provide Clinic with Insurance Claim Information

Please provide the clinic with the following information:

  • Name of insurance company

  • Name and contact information of your accident injury claim adjuster

  • Claim number

  • The date of accident

  • Copy of approval letter

  • Complete our online MVA intake form (emailed)

Ensuring you have all your forms completed will expedite approval for your claim and payment for your treatment(s).

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